Vintage Suntour Original Superbe Brake Sets atYellow Jersey
In the seventies, there was a standard. Campagnolo set it. But it wasn't monolithic. Even in 1970, the Suntour V derailleurs were recognized as better shifting --with their unique "slant parallelogram" body. Not that an $8 Suntour was going to displace a genuine $40 Campagnolo Nuovo Record changer on anyone's Cinelli or anything. But BobJacksons, Holdworths, small production American handbuilt frames (and increasingly more Japanese premium frames like Sekai-Miki )were skipping the pricey Italian stuff for better performing Japanese equipment. At a much lower price, too. Even Schwinn tested the waters with the Panasonic-built World series and jumped in with both feet, hanging "LeTour" branded Shimano parts on most of their bikes. By the late seventies, the top end of Shimano's range, and their rival Suntour's Superbe parts, had gained a solid place in the premium American market. To finish out their premium Superbe line, Suntour introduced the Superbe brake set. It is 100% interchangeable part for part with Campagnolo's original Record brake set, right down to the forged oversized centerbolt. Finish quality - heck, quality throughout - is incomparable.
We acquired a tranche of these beautiful sets Original n.o.s. Suntour Superbe Brake Sets $-out-
NEW ARRIVAL Original Suntour Superbe Brake Shoe Sets
Complete sets only - $-out- - no calipers singly Here is Suntour's 1981 catalog ( Click to enlarge): ![]()
We recently acquired a small tranche of these beautiful sets As so often repeated by Japanese companies in the era, Suntour made a perfect copy of the Campagnolo brake and the Campagnolo pedal as we see here.
Many vintage brake service parts new vintage brake page!
All the Gran Compe, Superbe and Superbe Pro small parts
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*Bill Shook, later of American Classic was the designer for East Rochester, where this style pedal first appeared. That company became Weyless and they sold one like this, too. No, not the chintzy Chinese stuff of our century, but rather the mid-seventies American company Weyless whose ads said "move over, Campy". |