American Design
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Yellow Jersey

sensible, straight and affordable

2016 Soma are Tange Prestige Tube
Here's a new and interesting frame series designed right here in USA - or at least California -from premium quality Reynolds tube.

Besides this attractive single-speed model with nice hefty horizontal ends, Soma offers a range of geometries in a limited color spectrum at an amazingly low price. Model selection ,size range and options are not as broad or expansive as our popular Gunnar frames. But then again, Soma frames are a lot less expensive than premium USA frames. Heck, Soma frames are even less expensive than aluminum frames but they weigh about the same, ride better and last a lifetime with their premium Reynolds tube.
best value fixed we know of
halloween If you need a normal sized bike in a regular format and you can live with a clean but not flashy finish, these frames are the logical choice!

you can have it your way. Really

you can have it your way. Really

Soma Frames and Forks 2022

WIth many new and revised models, SOMA offers a wider range than ever
Please see SOMA web site for latest products and prices

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New SOMA Campagnolo 1x13 Italian disc brakes!

New color SOMA Rush

Two New Colors
SOMA Buena Vista

Click to the factory Soma Frame Features and Specifications
Genuine Reynolds Tube

how to order

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