We have some of these original film transfer sheets in the green [above] and the gold [below]. They are from French models PBN, PSN, PSV and of course the inimitable Peugeot PX-10LE from approximately 1978 through 1982. You are looking at the translucent cover sheet so the image isn't sharp. These are installed by cutting the desired portion, aligning it on the frame and rubbing the carrier sheet to embed the lettering into the fresh paint. Follow with a mist coat of clear to seal and then a full wet clear coat. Test a small portion to ensure compatibility of your clear. We are using DuPont Nason. DuPont Centari and Lucite clears also work well.
Peugeot Film Transfer Sheets
**this style out see similar below**
Sealed packet new original 1986 Peugeot vinyl sticker set $89.95

Note the image is scaled a bit smaller, actual size eleven inches on the long side. The yellow band on the left is a scanner error.

Peugeot Comete Sticker Sets $-out- Peugeot sold an all-aluminum frame in the middle 1980s, with technical assistance from Pechiney, called the Peugeot Comete. All-French, it had anodized aluminum tubes pressed and epoxied over cast internal aluminum lugs, somewhat reminiscent of a Vitus or an SR Prism. These are the original navy blue sticker sets for those bikes, $-out- . You are looking at the translucent carrier so the image is not crisp and the color is not correct. The blue is a dark navy blue. The yellow band in the image is a scanner error. Actual size 11.5 inches on the long side.We also no longer have available a few vinyl complete vintage sticker sets for Peugeot Japanese built mountain bikes (Canyon Express, etc). These were first quality handmade Japanese frames and various models used Shimano and Suntour equipment. The sticker sets are vinyl, complete, sealed original package including a large rainbow diagonal top tube sticker,
All sold Cannot source more. It's over
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