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Yellow Jersey's 2004 New Year's Ride
1 January, 2004, High Noon. Ride started at the famous Gino's right here on State Street. Our hosts, Gino Gargano, the ever gracious Wassay, & the charming Gino's Waitresses welcomed us at High Noon. Old friends, new faces, much coffee and then off into the new year!  Click either photo to see the 2004 apres-tour photos! 
A fine turnout It was great to see New Year's Ride co-founders, Dr Jerry Klotz & Fred Gooding. who rode the first one in 1969
All About our New Year's Ride- Show and go- those who show up decide where to go
- No entry fees
- No whining
- No reservations
- Helmets optional
- Coffee recommended, espresso preferred
- No whining
- You are welcome and we promise not to drop you, this is not a race
- We aren't bike snobs, either. Your bike is OK as is
- Just by showing up, you are at risk of being photographed for our web page
- No whining, we mean it
1 January 2004 HIGH NOON
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