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Typical Seatstay Repair at Yellow Jersey
For some reason, early seventies European bikes are prone to seat stay
joint failure. It's disconcerting to suddenly feel "suspended", but this type of
failure is not at all serious or expensive
I once helped a DNR Water Chemist to rebraze his own bike, with instruction
in real time over his shoulder, after work one evening. With a schpritz of blue
paint, and he was on his way in less than half an hour!
This 1973 Raleigh Record came to us as a frame with major frame and fork
alignment problems and the seat stays dangling like this:

First, we remove any rust, scale and detritus from the area

Then we fill the joint with brass.
Depending on your requested finish standard, we can finish file your repair - or not!
There's no difference in strength or function from a raw brazed joint like this
to a crisply filed sculpture.

At your request we can finish nicely with clean/etch/ primer/ wetsand/ paint to match
for a beautiful result!
Here's a pair of cantilever brake bosses brazed by Tim on a cute pink bike!

Aerosol primer/paint like this pink frame is FREE with torch work

Don't panic. We can help
Our modern low-profile cantilever sets ($14.95 per wheel) have plenty of clearance
for mounting on mixte stays - or anywhere! Curiously, more expensive model brakes
have few, if any, advantages. They're are often less reliable, more difficult to set up and no better in
braking performance.

Here's a mid-80s Peugeot P8, a well made robot-brazed frame.

Generally, these are well-made, light and handle well with their light
top tubes and heavy down tubes over a nicely balanced geometry.
This particular frame, however, came in just after closing, with a complaint
of 'chain falls off' Here's what we found:

Turned out to be a simple repair!

Our customer was walked in at 5:30 and was
riding home at 6:30!
Some see the world and ask, 'Why'.
Others imagine a world and ask 'Why not?'
Many small brazing jobs are surprisingly affordable!

If you've been watching those little chrome cable guides, water bottle fittings
and all the other shiny little clips and clamps slowly devolve to rust,
perhaps a brazed part would help?
We can do that! Most of these handy little things are very quick and inexpensive
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