2011 update, ALL SOLD:
all kits are sold out and Englund was closed long ago
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and only a few of each, all others sold out!
Any in-stock Englund kit $XXX
No small parts, no seals, no separate pieces for any Englund products
Please note New 2011 elastomer forks start at just $79.95
including both threaded and threadless, one inch and 1-1/8 oversize formats
Modern race forks with lockout start at $199.95, O/S AH only
Call please
or click ....HERE...
Once upon a time we serviced suspension forks.
As the years went by, we bought more tools and more service kits and sent
our guys to more tech seminars and bought even more options and add-ons and
fixer-upper kits. Especially with classic air-oil systems, you're looking
at $40, $60, $80 or more in service charges to rebuild your fork correctly.
And that's before unique factory rebuild kits, seals, springs, travel enhancers etc
It was routine to see $150 to $250 service bills. Then one day we met up
with Arlo Englund and his Total Air concept. 
Here's what they look like
The Total Air system was fast to install, cheaper, lighter, better
response and mostly Total Air Works Better
Or did work better anyway. In the 1990s, we mostly installed
Englund kits which were $XXX.95 They improved almost every fork
and cost less than rebuilding with the original stuff. Best of all
We Had Them In Stock!
So with most popular fork models, you could ride home today!
There are NO available Englund cartridges
Modern forks are only $79.95
Threaded, threadless, whatever; forks are cheap and plentiful.
There are NO available Englund cartridges:
Archival purposes only NO REBUILD KITS from Total Air