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Spares for Roadster Bicycles at Yellow Jersey
We have most but not all service parts for classic Roadsters. We have axle sets, rims,
tires, tubes, rim liners, brake sets, Britsh made brake pads, small parts, spokes, seatposts, chain cases,
cranks, crank bearing sets, headsets, pedals, chain, Brooks saddles, crank cotter pins. & more
New Whitworth crank bearing sets

New Chain-L Oil NY USA $- discontinued
Chain-L review
Y-Wrench $4.95

- Schrader (car-type valve) 28" Roadster tube $7.95
- Dunlop-Woods (take-apart-type valve) 28" Roadster tube $7.95
- Presta (unscrew the valve pin lock, French type valve) 28" Roadster tube $7.95
- New! KW Super Duty nylon Roadster tire 28x1-1/2" black, red stripe $19.95
- New shiny chrome rims from KW Bicycles:
- for Raleigh type 28 x 1-1/2 x 1-5/8" 635mm format
- Chromed Steel Roadster Rim 32h $29.95
- Chromed Steel Roadster Rim 36h $ 29.95 back in stock!
- Chromed Steel Roadster Rim 40h $29.95
- Araya 40h premium rim - out -
- Genuine Raleigh British-made 40h CGD130 rim $89.95
- * Note: CGD-130 rim is for *Side Pull* brakes!
- cherchione italiano Beretta Italian 36h rim $69.95
- Beretta rims are 700-35, 622mm for Italian Tipo R Bicycles
- will not fit 28"x1-1/2"x1-5/8" 635mm Raleigh Roadster type bicycles
- Eastman (fits Raleigh) front axle set complete $- out -
- Eastman (fits Raleigh) rear axle set complete $9.95
- Rear Freewheel 40h 110mm OLD*hub $19.95
- Front 32h 95mm OLD* hub $** SOLD OUT**
- Sturmey Archer vintage British Made AW hub only, specify drill & axle spacing $ - call-
- Sturmey Archer new ROC built aluminum 3 speed hub 36h only $125 with controls and cable
- Sturmey Archer new vintage shifter (1960s model trigger style) $all sold-
- Sturmey Archer new shifter black cover not clear $29.95
- Sturmey Archer type aftermarket trigger $-disc-
- Sturmey Archer type aftermarket control cable set complete with anchorage $9.95
- Steel chain adjusters, pair $4.95
- SturmeyArcher and SA type sprockets 13t through 24t $24.95
- Lowest low gear ever! SACHS German 24t sprocket for SA $24.95
- Single freewheels 16 through 22t $19.95
 * "OLD" *is Over Locknut Dimension, the working number for hub width
click for Roadster Handlebar Set
Handlebar/stem with brake levers and pivots $49.95
Brake set-all below handlebar complete w/ 4 shoes $49.95
British brake shoes $19.95/prSee our Vintage Brake Bits page
Brake tube anchor bolt and nut $4.95
Upper or lower pivot assembly complete $14.95
Throughbolt for pivot assembly w/nuts $9.95
See also FIBRAX
British Made Roadster brake shoes click here
We have a range of other styles from Fibrax for cantilever, V and road calipers.
Saddles, Guards, Etc
- New! Finally a nice mudguard reflector, only $4.95
- Eastman leather saddle $- out, use Brooks-
- Click forBrooks Leather Saddles
- Wald #952 seatpost fifteen inches, chromed steel, $7.95
- Kalloy Aluminum one-bolt seatpost $19.95
- Roadster fork with crown race, top race, locknut BSC 1x24 $49.95
- Forks - specify large or small frame size, glossy black enamel with accent striping
- NEW chain covers have arrived!
- NEW KW Full Chain Case complete for 28" wheel bike $49.95
- NEW KW Full Chain Case complete for 26" wheel bike $*out*
- KW are the best full chain case we have ever sold includng Raleigh originals
- KW shiny enamelled Half Chain Cover for 28" wheel bike New! $29.95
- Phoenix Half Chain Cover for 26" wheel bike $29.95
- Wald #656 chrome chain guard universal fit $-disc-
- Reflector for mudguard mounting $4.95, see image above
classic black enamel mudguards
- Complete Mudguard set 26" wheel or 28" wheel complete with fittings $49.95
- Gripfast British made classic seat bolt $9.95
Click for Phoenix Half Chain Cover
NOTE 26" wheel full chain case OUT
28" full chain cases see new model below front view below, left

back view above, right
Click for Phoenix Half Chain Cover &
NOTE 26" wheel full chain case OUT
28" full chain cases see new model below
New beautiful KW full chain case fits classic 28" Raleighs exactly 
New beautiful KW shiny black enamel full chain case fits classic 28" Raleighs exactly
 New gloss black enamel KW Half Chain Cover fits classic 28" Raleighs exactly

includes nice Raleigh type frame clamp fits classic 28" Raleighs exactly

65cm long, may be trimmed for smaller wheeled bikes
These chain cases and chain covers are pressed steel with black enamel finish.
Decals may be removed or painted over.
Previously, quality varied widely from adequate to dismal
excellent was not one of the choices
Our excellent manufacturer KW Cycles has sent clean straight cases with shiny black enamel finish, best ones we've seen in years! Various bicycle manufacturers have arranged multivarious chain case attachment protocols over the past 120 years, hence, these may or may not fit perfectly on any given bicycle without some minor modification |

Pair of cranks with crank pins ("cotter pins") $29.95
Right side crank 46t $19.95
Left side crank $19.95
BSC 24tpi BB Set= crank bearing cups, spindle, bearings $24.95
new Whitworth !
WW 26tpi BB Set= crank bearing cups, spindle, bearings $29.95
Spindle for 73mm Roadster BB
NEW ! Whitworth one inch x 26tpi Raleigh Type Headsets $29.95
Chromed steel fits classic Nottingham Raleighs including Raleigh Super Course
Chromed steel fits classic Raleighs and many other British bicycles.
Wedge pins (cotterpins) $2.95 each $4.95pr
Genuine British Gripfast Crank Pins $-out- each
NEW KW classic style rubber block pedals, tough, full bearings $19.95/pr
1/2"x1/8" Chain $9.95Silver, Gold or Greymany more colors same price !
Two Piece type Master Link for 1/8-inch chain $1.95
3-Piece type Master Link for 1/8-inch chain $1.95
Half-link for 1/2x1/8" chain $4.95
Please see our 1/8-inch Drive Chain Page
And the see our 1/8-inch chain Tech Tips page
Sundries- See our dynamo systems, German quality complete lighting systems
- Big double-domed bell which spins while ringing $9.95
- Raleigh Avenir big domed 'ding-dong' Bell $9.95
- Chromed steel pump with a hose in the handle $29.95
- Aluminum premium frame pump to fit Raleigh pegs $29.95
- Clip on "steal me please" seat stay lock $19.95