Although we've carried a large number of various trailers over the years, we have reduced our recommended trailer to the small and trendy Bob Yak.
The workhorse dependable Blue Sky is now available directly from Blue Sky Cycle Carts. Contact Blue Sky directly at 800.669.1753 or click to email Blue Sky .
Blue Sky trailers are made in USA from a welded steel frame, a marine plywood base liner and big fat aircraft-graded stub axles running in tough oversized sealed cartridge bearing hubs. The wheel format is 24 inch which rolls impressively better than twenty or sixteen inch wheels and still allows a nice low center of gravity. The hitch is a flexible mount directly to the seatpost - exactly where your bike's designer thought the weight should be. That means a very neutral handling with no contact whatsoever on your bike's beautiful finish and no adapters or clamps required for any frame no matter the material.Here's the basic setup:

The new model comes with nylon mag wheels standard. Here is the big fat aircraft graded stub axle. There's a 3/4" locknut on the inside
Available directly from Blue Sky Cycle Carts. Contact Blue Sky directly at 800.669.1753 or click to email Blue Sky

Here's how the trailer attaches - very clean and neat yet completely safe. There are no fragile little plastic clips here. The material is textile-reinforced rubber - the same stuff that's used for muffler hangers. And note the sinple and safe second cable.
Available directly from Blue Sky Cycle Carts. Contact Blue Sky directly at 800.669.1753 or click to email Blue Sky

We like these for cargo and for applications such as this:

You can well imagine that carrying a dog is a trivial exercise after designing for an adult in a wheelchair. Blue Sky trailers are good for that but often find use as a grocery trailer, a workman's tool carrier or the all-cargo trailer for a group of tourists. Simply swap it from one bike to another throughout the day.
Available directly from Blue Sky Cycle Carts. Contact Blue Sky directly at 800.669.1753 or click to email Blue Sky
These are some of the various options you can use to set up your custom Blue Sky trailer. Note that it's all modular so you can change your mind later. The top hoops and wheel guards snap into the tubular frame with detent pins so no tools are needed. Nylon fabric panels are available in a rainbow of colors from sedate dark blue to a gaudy safety orange.

Extra hitches are cheap and simple to move.
As a matter of fact, for such an elegantly designed modular system, you'd expect to pay much more. Not only is the Blue Sky frame all American welded tubular steel with a tough powder coat finish, but even Blue Sky 's basic model includes tough no-rust nylon mag wheels. That saves you plenty over a long service life . Blue Sky ships in a small carton - the same size carton as a bare bicycle frame - because the wheels quickly detach and drop flat right in the trailer bed. That saves you a lot on delivery charges. And makes your trailer weather and rust and pothole proof.
Click Blue Sky Prices
Here's the Blue Sky manufacturer link If you need further information please click their email link not ours below
Available directly from Blue Sky Cycle Carts. Contact Blue Sky directly at 800.669.1753 or click to email Blue Sky
Blue Sky now ships consumer direct. Contact Blue Sky for lower freight cost and faster delivery! 800.669.1753
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